Healthy Eating / Physical Activity / Quality Personal Time / Teachers
Think back to a time when eating was a pleasure. Mealtime can once again be a joyous, guilt-free experience that leaves you feeling satisfied and nourished. Reclaiming a healthy relationship to food is a critical component of living a balanced life. In our coaching sessions, we will:
Explore strategies for maintaining healthful eating in social situations
Discover which events trigger “emotional eating”
Identify which healthy foods you already enjoy, and how they can become more prominent in your diet
Uncover and neutralize the obstacles that have caused you to struggle with your weight
Turn you into a “Kitchen Genius” who can effortlessly whip up healthy meals
Contact Jeanne to receive her free download, “The Joy of Snacks”, and start nourishing yourself today.
Healthy Eating / Physical Activity / Quality Personal Time / Teachers