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Healthy Eating / Physical Activity / Quality Personal Time / Teachers

Physical Activity

Who has time for one more “should” in their life? Not you, that’s for sure! So how do you manage to squeeze physical activity into your already packed day?

Start with these ideas, then schedule your FREE Wellness Coaching Session to fine tune your action plan.

  • Do what you love, even if you haven’t done it since you were a child.

  • Create a support system- exercise buddies are a great way to combine fitness with stress reduction.

  • Squeeze physical activity into your day. Sit less, move around more. It doesn’t have to be “exercise”.

  • Rely on SMART Goals to keep you moving ahead.

Contact Jeanne to receive her free download, “Moving Through the Day,” and jump-start your active lifestyle today!

Healthy Eating / Physical Activity / Quality Personal Time / Teachers